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Use the Exchange Online Usage Overview report to understand how your Exchange Online platform is being used. This report contains several visuals, ready to be quickly filtered by date. Additionally, each of the graph visuals can easily be drilled down simply by clicking on the relevant point or bar. All visuals in the report will respond to any drill down or filter.
Exchange Online | Usage Overview
Active Users
The number of users who sent or read at least one email in the selected date range.
Inactive Users
The number of users who did not send or read any email in the selected date range.
Active Users by Department
This bar chart includes a breakdown of the number of active users according to their department. Drill down this chart to quickly see the users in each department. You can click on the relevant bar to filter all other visuals in the report by department or user.
Storage Used
The overall storage used (MB) in Exchange Online in the selected date range. You can hover your cursor over any point in the line chart to highlight the storage used at that point.
Email Apps Used
This bar chart includes a breakdown of the number of active users by email app used such as Outlook (Windows), Outlook (Web), Outlook (Mobile), Outlook (Mac), Mail (iOS/Mac), Mobile (Other), POP3 app, IMAP4 app, SMTP app. Click on the relevant bar to filter all other visuals in the report by email app.
Email Traffic by Department
This bar chart includes a breakdown of the number of emails sent, received and read per department.
Filters: Date